Have you had a “Big T Trauma” such as rape, combat or childhood abuse?

Have you had a “little t trauma” like being ridiculed as a child, the losing a loved one or not getting the attention you needed as a child?

Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy (EMDR) is an evidence-based therapy model which helps to process memories that often remain in the brain unprocessed.  When memories are unprocessed, the beliefs that were originally associated with the memory remain and continue to affect life as an adult.  Beliefs such as “I am unlovable”, “I am not safe”,  “I am bad” can impact one’s life in a big way.   In addition, when a memory remains unprocessed, it can be very disturbing when the memory is recalled.  Other times memories remain suppressed; however, the memories still affect life unknowingly and may manifest through symptoms such anxiety or depressed mood. I often think of it as the body trying to call attention to the need to process the memories and to move forward in life

EMDR therapy helps to:

  • Reduce the disturbance when a memory is recalled

  • Understand the impact of the trauma

  • Let go of negative beliefs which were unnecessarily imprinted in the brain

  • Create new positive beliefs about oneself and life

  • Live life without being impacted by the trauma